Keywords for a book on career change
This book targets people who are re-evaluating their careers. It provides advice on self-assessment of values and how those values should guide career choices. The book challenges people to qualities about a job they may have typically overlooked. It targets readers who are starting out in their career, or are considering a career change later in life.
The existing Amazon browse node categories for this book were:
- Business & Money \ Job Hunting & Careers \ Guides
- Specialty Boutique \ New, Used & Rental Textbooks \ Business & Finance
After analysis of the books description, categories, customer reviews and other competing books in its categories. Our team came up with the keywords listed below. The author is able to cycle through these keywords to determine the combination that best resonates with their audience.
branding yourself
career advice
career assessment
career burnout
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career change books
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career guidance and counseling
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career transition
careers over 50
coach yourself
hate your job
identify your strengths
identify yourself
job coaching
job development
job hunting and careers
job interviewing
job searching
midlife career change
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occupations and careers
passion in work
quality of work life
success at work
work life integration